Thursday, January 17, 2013

2012 Reading Roundup

So, I didn't come close to my goal of blogging about every book I read last year, but here they are:

Title                                    Author         Date Completed
How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere    Larry King    1/8/2012
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern    Stephen Greenblatt    1/16/2012
Dune    Frank Herbert    1/30/2012
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep    Philip K. Dick    2/22/2012
Foundation    Isaac Asimov    3/10/2012
Life Itself    Roger Ebert    3/25/2012
A Quiet Revolution    Leila Ahmed    4/28/2012
Hunger Games    Suzanne Collins    5/6/2012
Catching Fire    Suzanne Collins    5/12/2012
Mockingjay    Suzanne Collins    5/13/2012
Space Chronicles    Neil Degrasse Tyson    5/22/2012
Einstein's Dreams    Alan Lightman    5/28/2012
Fifty Shades of Grey    E.L. James    6/2/2012
Fifty Shades Darker    E.L. James    6/15/2012
Illusions    Richard Bach    7/22/2012
Interview with a Vampire    Anne Rice    8/20/2012
Anne of Windy Poplars    L.M. Montgomery    9/5/2012
Anne of Ingleside    L.M. Montgomery    9/7/2012
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich    Timothy Ferriss    11/10/2012
A Concise History of the Middle East    Arthur Goldschmidt Jr. Lawrence Davidson    11/21/2012
Jonathan Livingston Seagull    Richard Bach    11/25/2012
Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking    Malcolm Gladwell    11/25/2012
The Dictator's Learning Curve    William Dobson    12/2/2012
The Poetry of Robert Frost    Robert Frost    12/31/2012

That's 24 books: 7 sci-fi/fantasy, 7 other fiction, 4 socio-political, 1 memoir, 2 history, 1 poetry anthology, 2 pop-sci. Given that the last few years' reading was almost exclusively fiction, I'm very pleased with that.

I shoot for an average of one book every two weeks. I fell a bit short this year, as I usually do, but not by too much. And these books averaged longer and more dense than most years. (Notice the spike in November when I swore off Reddit for the month :-)

The highlights were: The Swerve, Life Itself, Hunger Games (my favorite new fantasy of the year - was also impressed with the movie, The 4-Hour Workweek (a scam, an instruction manual on how to run scams, and a deeply thought provoking book on what's important in life - all rolled in one), The Dictator's Learning Curve (a fascinating examination of how repressive regimes are getting more technologically and socially savvy), and The Poetry of Robert Frost (my first foray into poetry - inspired a new fascination with the genre).

I'd love to lend any of them to you, assuming you don't mind my notes in the margins!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Adventure #2 - Fudge!

I'd always had the vague idea that making fudge was a long, difficult process involving a candy thermometer, double boiler, and (more than likely) burnt chocolate. To my surprise and delight, I discovered that I can make a delicious fudge with just 3 ingredients and no stove or thermometer! To be sure, there are many fancier and more complicated recipes. The extra effort probably shows, but I found I was more than satisfied with my quickie recipe. This is probably the highest deliciousness-to-effort ratio of any dessert I've ever made.

Quickie Chocolate Orange Fudge

8 oz semi-sweet baking chocolate
2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
3/4 - 1 teaspoon flavor extract
Break/chop the chocolate up into small pieces and mix in a microwave-safe bowl with the sweetened condensed milk.
Gradually melt the mixture in the microwave. Microwaves vary, but I suggest starting with 30 seconds on low, stirring, then additional 15 second bursts as needed, stirring in between. Don't rush! Continue until the chocolate is almost completely melted, with just a few small lumps. Work the last few lumps in by stirring gently.
Add the favor extract and stir until smooth. I couldn't find my measuring spoons, but I estimate I added 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1/2 teaspoon of orange extract. The orange was a little too strong for my taste, so I'd recommend 1/4 teaspoon instead. Try adding a little at a time and tasting as you go!
Line a small dish with tin foil. I found that a 5x9" bread pan was perfect for the amount of fudge this recipe generates. Pour the fudge batter into the lined dish and refrigerate. (Don't forget to lick the spatula!)

Let the fudge solidify for 2+ hours, cut into bites (the foil makes this easy), and enjoy! 
Store in the fridge in an airtight container after chilling to prevent the fudge from drying out. Note that this recipe generates a soft but solid fudge, definitely not the gooey type.

I'm looking forward to trying different flavorings. Coconut chocolate fudge is definitely coming soon...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Adventures

Looking back at 2012, one of the things I'm happiest with is all the new experiences. This past year included:

My first solo vacation - to Toronto and Niagara Falls
Starting aerials lessons - aerial silks and cloud swing
Starting dabbling in other circus arts - tightrope, trampoline
Crafting as a new hobby
Baking as a new hobby
Discovering the delights of cider 
First time at Firefly
Staying the night at Arisia for the first time
First time blues dancing
First game of golf on a real course 
Golfing as a new hobby
First time kayaking 
Buying my first tablet
Watching the last presidential debate in a Toronto bar with a group of expat Americans
Visiting a conservatory
First time to an electro-swing dance
A cake decorating class 
Swimming and picnics at Walden Pond
First trivia competition
Visiting the Waltham Steampunk festival
First Broadway show 

I've decided to continue the trend in 2013. I've resolved to seek one new experience every week of the coming year. My first was yesterday, my birthday. 

I went downhill skiing at Mount Sunapee Resort in New Hampshire. 

On the lift to the lower slopes
I'd actually been skiing once or twice before, but this was my first time skiing on real powder and my first time skiing alone. I'm going to count it :)

It turned out to be quite an adventure! I managed to go tumbling three times in my first two runs, but I eventually started to get the hang of it. Two hours of skiing completely exhausted me, but I'm looking forward to going back soon!

So, I'm looking for new adventures! Can anybody suggest a fun, interesting, or challenging experience that might be new to me?