Thursday, March 29, 2012

Congressional "Hoodlums": Rep. Bobby Rush Kicked Off the House Floor for Discussing the Killing of Trayvon Martin

Representative Bobby Rush was escorted off the floor of the House of Representatives this morning (Wednesday 3/28) for wearing a hoodie. When I say "for wearing a hoodie", I mean that that was the pretext on which he was kicked out while reading a speech about racial profiling and the controversy surrounding the killing of Trayvon Martin. (If you are not aware of this controversy, please read this: ).

Rep. Rush was about a minute into his remarks when he removed his suit jacket to reveal a hoodie and then raised the hood. Just 5 seconds later, the gavel banged and Rep. Gregg Harper, who was Chairing the proceedings, attempted repeatedly to halt Rep. Rush's remarks. When Rush attempts to continue his speech, he is escorted out. Harper says, "The Chair must remind members that Clause 5 of Rule 17 prohibits the wearing of hats in the Chamber when the House is in session." (He is, of course, correct on this point: ).

What gets me is that this had to have been planned. Five seconds is not enough time for someone to note the rule violation, decide to enforce it, and communicate that to the Speaker. A decision must have been made ahead of time to enforce the no hats rule in order to shut down speech on the topic when the issue inevitably rose. (Again, if you're not aware, people have been wearing hoodies as a show of support for Treyvon, who was killed in one and who has been accused of making himself suspicious and contributing to his own death by his choice of clothing).

Do you know what Rush was saying as he raised his hood and as Harper first banged the gavel to shut him up? He was saying "Racial profiling has to stop, Mr. Speaker. Just because someone wears a hoodie, does not make him a hoodlum." I am sickened by Rep. Gregg Harper and whomever else was involved in the decision to silence Rush and others who would speak on this topic in a hoodie. They are the hoodlums, the criminals, these people who would try to shut down a national discourse on the topic of race and profiling following a tragedy. They who would be so cowardly as to use a pretext, a technicality, to do so. I wish Rep. Gregg Harper was my Representative so I could help vote him out of office this year.

Please watch the video here:

The second half of Rep. Rush's speech is significantly disrupted by the Speaker's attempts to silence him. I think what he had to say deserves to be heard. I couldn't find a transcript, so here's my best attempt. I left out the shameful interruptions of the Speaker. They are not substantive and add nothing to the dialog on this issue. The *stars* indicate actions.

"Thank you Mr. Speaker. It is indeed an American tragedy. Too often this violent act that resulted in the murder of Trayvon Martin is repeated in the streets of our nation. I applaud the young people all across the land for making a statement about hoodies, about the real hoodlums in this nation, Particularly those who tread on our laws wearing official or quasi-official clothes. (*Removes suit jacket to reveal hoodie*) Racial profiling has to stop, Mr. Speaker. (*Raises hood*) Just because someone wears a hoodie, does not make them a hoodlum. (*Swaps glasses for sunglasses*) The bible teaches us, Mr. speaker in the book of Michael 6:68, these words, these words: 'He has shown your man what is good. What does the Lord require you but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God'. And in the New Testament, Luke 4, 4:18-20 teaches us these words: 'The spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and to recover sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free'. I urge all who hear these words to heed these lessons. May God bless Trayvon Martin's soul, his family, and..."
That's where the sound from the podium trails off. I can't hear the last few words. Rep. Rush is off screen at this point, but it sounds like he is trying to say his last words while being escorted away from the podium.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, such a silly rule to enforce (no hats?!) to try and silence someone who is making a point about a tragic event.
